White House: Dem resolution shows impeachment is 'illegitimate sham' | TheHill - The Hill

  1. White House: Dem resolution shows impeachment is 'illegitimate sham' | TheHill  The Hill
  2. Newt Gingrich: Pelosi announces Trump impeachment inquiry vote – Here's what I am on the lookout for now  Fox News
  3. Poll: Who's sticking with President Trump, through trouble and tweets? His seemingly unshakable base.  USA TODAY
  4. Making impeachment inquiry official undoes a Trump talking point  Los Angeles Times
  5. GOP Reps who oppose impeachment proceedings will fail in their duties  Washington Examiner
  6. View full coverage on Google News

from Top stories - Google News https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/468003-white-house-dem-resolution-shows-impeachment-is-illegitimate-sham


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